Abdominal bloating is one of the most common digestive symptoms, especially in women. Caused by excess air in your gastrointestinal tract, your tummy can feel tight, swollen, painful, and if occurring frequently, greatly impact quality of life. Bloating also tends to increase as the day goes on, so you may start the day feeling ok, and then by night-time you are feeling miserable and uncomfortable.

What causes bloating?

Bloating can result from several different underlying conditions including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), dietary intolerances, other digestive disorders, hormonal changes, parasite infections, some medications or even stress and anxiety. These factors can cause/exacerbate gut dysbiosis, constipation, visceral hypersensitivity and create excess gas which in turn cause bloating.

Tips for reducing bloating

  • Too many raw vegetables can exacerbate bloating, so try eating a balance of both raw and cooked vegetables throughout the day. For example, try adding roasted veggies to your salad leaves rather than just having a raw vegetable salad.

  • Also be mindful of too much dietary fibre (also related to high veg intake), especially if you suffer from IBS. While increasing fibre can be a strategy for IBS, you do need to add slowly and the right type, to avoid exacerbating bloating.

  • Avoid artificial sweeteners, chewing gum and carbonated drinks as these increase gas.

  • Ensure you chew your food properly and eat slowly to allow time for digestion. 

  • There is evidence peppermint oil can be beneficial for reducing bloating, so try sipping on peppermint tea (or it is available in capsules) but note that peppermint can be aggravating for those with heartburn.

  • Avoid wearing pants and dresses with tight waistbands as any extra pressure around the waist can trigger the bloating sensation.

  • Try some yoga stretches (e.g., gentle abdominal and spinal twists, happy baby pose) to increase blood flow to the area and help expel trapped air.

Don’t self-diagnose

If you suffer from persistent bloating, do seek medical advice, don’t just self-diagnose IBS or dietary intolerances and start eliminating a plethora of foods. It is essential other causes of bloating are first ruled out. It is also important to know that bloating often takes several hours to occur, so the last food you ate is often not the culprit. Bloating accompanied with other symptoms such as fever, severe abdominal pain, vomiting or blood in your stools should prompt immediate investigation by your GP. 

Food Diary

Our app offers a convenient solution for tracking bloating through our in-app food diary. With ease and convenience at your fingertips, you can quickly log your meals and start to pinpoint which foods may trigger bloating. Our intuitive interface makes it effortless to track patterns and make informed dietary adjustments, leading to reduced bloating and a more comfortable, bloat-free you. It’s time to take the guesswork out and hello to a happier, healthier digestive system with our app. Speak to our team to start your journey with us. Contact us here.


